Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mercury Rising in conjunction with Moon, Jupiter and Mars

The 2009 pass by MERCURY over Mars and Jupiter after Mercury has gone DIRECT again, early 2009.
 This should be a beautiful event to "just" see in the sky. It is on the 23rd of February, 2009, about an hour before the sun rises, the sky will be getting rather light in the east. 
The MOON, then MERCURY, then JUPITER, then MARS will rise, rather close together. The SUN is still below the horizon, at this time, about 26 degrees away from the moon. Midway between these planets and the Sun, NEPTUNE and CHIRON will be rising. 
This time of morning has a beautiful special magic attached to it, and prayer can be used very positively at this time of morning. I would be expecting alot of birds to sing in this morning, as it begins.

The flow of energy in this
conjunction is
the waning MOON rises, emotional "breathing out" period
then the magic of the mind rises in MERCURY
following closely behind is the 
majesty of JUPITER and its accumulated knowledge from humanity
and then rising is
MARS the action, directional husbandry and stewardship.

After this rises
NEPTUNE - vision maker, dreamer and prayers of faith
CHIRON - the healing point

You can see in the above chart that after these planets rise (they start to rise at about 4.44am daylight savings,EST ),  about an hour or so after this comes the SUN! The SPIRIT. Yes, this days looks like a nice one to greet very early. 
Sometimes, standing with one's back to the east, sometimes, these planets can be felt, rather easily, and subtly perceived, as they rise.  
At other times, you may be facing east to greet them. 
What is interesting is to just be very still, clear, with nothing in your mind, and to just be open to sensing them, as they rise - this can create all types of "doorways" to perceptions of the individual planetary bodies.

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