Monday, February 16, 2009

one day whilst skyping.....

Skype conversation at 2.03pm - 209pm 16th February 2009 .....repeated by a parrot  ????
the Sabian Symbols at the time?
  • THE MOON: (memories)
A WISE OLD PARROT REPEATS THE CONVERSATION HE OVERHEARD Dependence upon inner or outer environment for the substance of understanding. Transmission of knowledge. Channel-ship. 

  • VENUS: (sending you love)
A SCHOLAR CREATES NEW FORMS FOR ANCIENT SYMBOLS Deep understanding, beyond normal means. Abstract seership, integrating the inner and the outer. Interpretative gift. 

  • PHOLUS: (getting out of denial and working consciously with energy)
A YOUNG WIDOW IS SURPRISED INTO A NEW BIRTH OF LOVE The eternal call for fulfilment through love which overcomes personal sensitiveness and set patterns. Revision of attitude.  ... (Susi, this particular Sabian Symbol is one of the important Sabian symbols in your first 30 minutes of breathing when you were born... it is about rediscovering love when you least expect it!!! and while we were skyping, and for quite a few days more, PHOLUS will be passing over that part of the sky that was rising during your first 30 minutes on earth, in this life time, and so, have a read about it in the above Wikipedia link!)
and finally 
MARS:  (direction of energies)
IN MEDITATION, A FLAG IS SEEN, WHICH CHANGES INTO A EAGLE Process of spiritual realization as it progresses from outer to inner standards. Rebirth, or rebellion against drudgery.         

And now...... lets see what was said at this time!!!!...........................

Susi  Sends You Love :) says:  Hi i've found some great things while you been gone (clap)
 bluecray says: little bloghound!!! (mm)
 Susi  Sends You Love :) says: a free book, you know i always or often sign my emails etc. with 'Giving is Living' and i just found a FREE book to download called "Give to Live"
Susi  Sends You Love :) says: so it will be good to have as a link on some of the blogs to entice people to leave their email address etc. (clap)
bluecray says: well, i am gonna get a blog together called constipation conservation... ]:) and put links onto it of all da  (devil)
stoopidist sites i can find of constipationists!!
bluecray says: (chuckle)
Susi  Sends You Love :) says: that's good :)
Susi Sends You Love :) says: (chuckle)
 bluecray says: globally goofy greedy greenhouse greats!!!

bluecray says: give to live.... um dat is ok, unless ya give away and don't recieve as well, dat was my problem... now i am betterer at it, and can give a bit more, but still have to watch out.... but now i only got nice peoples in my life 
 bluecray says: so i am SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (clap)... cept from da bad  ]:)a......... dat lives in da freezer with da icecream
 Susi  Sends You Love :) says: yes, it's one of those dichotomies you were talking about b4
bluecray says: yes, da wonderful dichotomies..... "a contradiction "... isn't that interesting!!! (clap)

Susi  Sends You Love :) says: i always believe in giving and i don't expect anything in return and that's usually what i get...
Susi Sends You Love :) says: but all the new-age secret gurus say give give, give and they the only ones getting rich!!!!!!!!!!111
Susi  Sends You Love :) says: (chuckle)

bluecray says: yep, nuthin, cept YOU do recieve... whether you want to or not, there really are spirits out there makin sure you DO!!!! and
 bluecray says: that is why you still have LUCY there, humbugging you and making you jump in loops
 bluecray says: you gave to the world,
 Susi Sends You Love :) says: oh, (chuckle)

 bluecray says: and you got Lucy  (THE CAT)
Susi  Sends You Love :) says: (think)
 bluecray says: all i got was a fat black flying pig called benoit!!! :D ( THE BIRD)
 Susi  Sends You Love :) says: although i still perceive myself as 'struggling' i still beleive to give is the only way, to give and to love unconditionally, but perhaps i still have  a few (devil)'s to work out!!!
bluecray says: send some of dem devils to me - I'll tell em where to shove it!!! (h)

Susi  Sends You Love :) says: Dedication (in the book)
To all those known and unknown who
give and serve as part of their lives and to
those who have allowed us to give and
serve to you, you have enriched our lives.
Thank you. We love you.

 bluecray says: you got da devils of runnin back over your brain into the past and thinkin too much...... well, at least i see dat in your chart!!... and dem devil memories can easily be checked... ya just "TELL EM TO SIT... BE QUIET!!!", or else dey will get sent down the "SCHUTE of no return"
 Susi Sends You Love :) says: so i s'pose they recognise my goodness then....?
bluecray says: yepideedoodah, nail on da head!!!

Susi  Sends You Love :) says: oh that's getting interesting now, because that correlates to the chakras
 Susi  Sends You Love :) says: the back agnya sits at the back of the head in line say with the front agnya which is the third eye, and that's where all the 'shit' accumulates

 bluecray says: well, it all interelates, but you got alot of little devils workin overtime... and they ain't necissarily YOURs... they are the worlds, and you care tooo tooo much

 Susi  Sends You Love :) says: and we are constantly having to clear it out!!!!
 bluecray.says: yep, clearin it out, dat is good, the old agnya garage give away!!!!

Susi  Sends You Love :) says: and they sit there (at the back agnya) because they are accumulating from the left side, which is the emotional side and it (the left side) represents the past!!!!!!
 bluecray says: solid five foot pile of anxst..... 23cents a kilo!!!! goin cheap...... fifty bundles of worn out played over and over again drama thoughts......... $ 2.50 for ten bundles

Susi Sends You Love :) says: oh, we really have to get this stuff together
bluecray says: twenty kilos of fat black pig bird, flying past my back door... $5
 bluecray says: (chuckle)
 Susi  Sends You Love :) says: and they (all the conditionings from the past) sit there (at the back agnya) because they are accumulating from the left side, which is the emotional side and it (the left side) represents the past!!!!!
...and f...... has back agnya  problems too, he has a 'heavy' left side, but i may be worse!!!

 bluecray says: hang on... j... is on the phone... back soon
Susi  Sends You Love :) says: i gotta read the give to live book....

bluecray says: dat is funny, dat agnya agony stuff, when j... rang, i said how we were talkin about ofloading past baggage, and she said she had just got off the phone from sorting out all her bills that she was scared to sort out,  and it is all ok now, she has payment plans worked out, and stuff.... so, she was doing the agnya clearance garage sale as well!!!! (party)

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