Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Rainy Ones and the Fig Tree on the Murray

" Wisdom in the Land "

Australia has a geological and ecological history of many many wetland areas within its more "traditionally dry" areas, it is not uncommon for the central areas of Australia to fill up with water, and for the Pelicans, and many other animals and birds of the world, and Australia, to gather at these wetlands for major breeding cycles as the area undergoes regeneration. 
The Pleiades , Aldebran and Hyades ( Rainy Ones ) were conjunct my Natal MOON when I was born. This allows me to fully feel rain, water and flooding times. To use this to advantage, I have spent the past month focusing my prayers on the Murray Darling System and Lake Eyre System, as I am aware that many others in Australia, and around the world are also doing this - praying for RAIN. Valuable rain for the restoration of this Australian icon and important mentor of habitats.
Symbolism is a powerful tool. The use of Symbolic astrological tools, fixed stars and constellations can be incorporated into art to help affirm prayer, actions and visions. Below is my symbolic connection, via Art and use of this blog article, to help make concrete, within the mass consciousness, the direction of prayer for rain, love and natural harmonies within the Murray Darling System. This may seem somewhat obtuse in reasoning, but for me, personally, it makes sense!
Even a little prayer can help, in these days of increase mass consciousness co-operation between groups and individuals. Connect with this vibration, send it up and down the Murray Darling System..... every prayer counts!!! For me, I will send my prayers with the Crows, and their inlands brothers and sisters, in their divine state, will help spread the word - Rain is coming, the Murray and the Darling will fill, and the wonder of nature will show mankind just how resilient the earth is, when given love respect and care.   
Hyades Wikipedia
Aldebran the Watcher of the East at constellations of words
Pleiades Wikipedia 
Messier Object 45 - The Pleiades
Open Cluster M45 , type "c", in taurus
Outdreamings video on You Tube A Dreamtime Story about the Pleiades
Pleiades at crystal links
Pleiades Mythology - 7 sisters (html google file version)
Below is a Moreton Bay Fig at Swann Hill near the Murray River in Victoria, Australia  
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Sabian Symbols and chart for " Grace "

Chart 1 Natal (approx) chart and sabian symbols from Whatwatch at
  • Here a person who is essentially balanced in the elements of earth air fire and water, with a rather flexible approach to life.
  • Perhaps indecisive at times, possibly unwilling to take the lead, prefering to be given the lead before taking the ball and running with it.
  • Possibly a team player who can flex to different positions within the team when required.

But first, let's look at the progressed chart (where the DIRECTIONS of life are taking "Grace").

Chart 2 Progressed 50yr (approx)

From birth (Chart 1), I can see the SUN (creative spirit) approaching conjunction with MARS (active energy). This shows a person with much energy. Active energy that can be directed by the creative spirit. Hence, A VALUABLE TOOL in life will be remembering that there are creative solutions to problems, then acting on those solutions.

When we look at the DIRECTIONS (Chart 2), I can see that MARS (active energy) has just passed the natal JUPITER (knowledge), thus increased knowledge has occurred, and can now start to be applied about the age of 50 years.

Looking at the symbols attached to NEPTUNE ( subconsious, visions, dreams faith), JUPITER (knowledge) and MARS (active energy) in the natal chart (Chart 1) I can see the following:-

Neptune (subconscious, visions, faith, dreams) (Chart 3) shows a vast capacity to go very deep. There is, however, a tendency - a very strong tendency to stay deep, within the emotional subconscious framework and not return. She possible has found familiarity in this emotional depth, no matter how uncomfortable it is. This has a way of alienating "Grace" from the world, and gives a tendency to stay too "deep in emotion" and not surface for a healthy session in reality and lightness of being.

MARS (active energy), on the other hand, has briefly met with natal JUPITER (knowledge) over the past few years in Sagittarius (Chart 3), and the natal MARS has symbols of active seeking out knowledge, on many levels. And so, what we have is a person who has gained much knowledge, will actively seek out more knowledge, and apply that knowledge, especially as she comes into her 50's.

This knowledge, can help refloat "Grace" from those depths of emotion (NEPTUNE) that she is so accustomed and familiar with. The wider knowledge base acting as a bouyant life raft, on which she can surface back into the world, and stay above the deeper emotions of the subconscious, the bigger the life raft.

Below are the sabian symbols for each year (approximately) of "Grace's" life. Each year symbol represent's Grace's brief interest, via the spirit focus, for that year. Linda Hill has written a very useful book on the SABIAN SYMBOLS, it may be in a library for reference, or can be purchases via her website.

Sabian Symbol interpretations for each year of "Grace's" life, starting at year one, and going through to the mid sixties.
The years are abit "loose", and may merge. In other words, years one and two may merge somewhat, years ten and eleven may merge, years eleven and twelve may merge. It is the flow of events that I am looking at, in particular, though. The unfolding of symbolic spirit direction, as it travels through time and space, in "Grace's" worldly experience.

(SUN with LIBRA directions:- Creative spirit and balance)
  • The first six years of life are about balance, hopes, wishes, and where "Grace" fits into the scheme of the world, on a one to one basis, while a rush of activity surrounds her.

(SUN moves to SCORPIO directions:- Creative spirit and transformations)
  • From ages 6 to 16, many beginnings, deep deep emotions and the need for feeling nurtured, amidst an everchanging base is the overall trend
  • The ages of 15 to 25 indicate a huge metamorphosis and transformation in the life, with a tendency to go deeper and deeper within oneself. There may be a deep urge to become financially independent, and the beginning of unlocking sexual mysteries that will lead to greater understanding/ benefit later in life
  • The years 25-35 indicate rather mystical experiences, matters of faith are questioned, and dealings with institutions indicated, possibly also great limitations that lead to better inner understanding of self, and hidden enemies become better understood - such as the subconscious mind and fears

(SUN moves to SAGITTARIUS directions:- Creative spirit and knowledge)
  • From year 36 to 46 there is an urge for "Grace" to walk her talk, and learn to sit well with just being herself. Insecurities, and self questioning abound, but there is a brashness and impulsiveness as well. Possibly elements of bravado in this period, leading to a greater understanding of self, and how she relates to the outer world, as a "real and authentic individual
  • Years 45-55 show a creative phase, where the child within is finally contacted, the spirit is connected with in a divine and exciting way, speculations, gambling and many creative endeavours come to the fore. Music and theatricals can become part of the spirit path in these ten years
  • Years 55-65 promise a release from binding conditions, true knowledge and expansion of purpose, living one' s talk and walking one's talk

(SUN moves to CAPRICORN directions:- creative spirit and building, learning and structuring)
  • Year 65 onwards this is a good time to meet important people, feel good about oneself, and and get ready to go out into the world to help the community at large
Sabian Symbols (colored text) followed by a brief divination/summation (black text)
To one years old:
In an allegorical representation an eagle and a large white dove are revealed constantly changing into each other. The prime spirit impulse is that of peaceful person alternating with a more agressive, watchful person, eager to hunt and seek.

2nd year
Like a great soaring bird - a single brilliant spot in the bright sky- an airplane overhead sails about calmly. The person is calm, observant, detached with quiet inner strength

3rd year
A man stands alone in surrounding gloom; were his eyes open to spirit things he would see helping angels arriving. Some gloom appears in the third year. angels surround the person, but the despair creates a darkness through wich the angels are not seen. This third year may represent a great sadness entering the person's life, and angels are about the person, helping, in unseen ways

4th year
It’s a seer’s dream; vast masses of humanity push forward in frantic effort to cross the black chasm of knowledge. Dreams start to become important, and there appears a vast knowledge to become aware of, and a deep chasm appears that halts the progress to knowledge. There is an air of desperation in this 4th year

Year five
The phrenologist is reading bumps for his clients; he explains three mounds of knowledge on a philosophers head. Some self awareness starts, the mind kicks in, and the person becomes aware of conscious thought and their intelligence. Big changes occur. This year, the last few years, and from here, the next few years, may appear hard to remember when the person gets older. Some strong philosophical values are formed at this time.

year six
A sight-seeing bus is threading its way through crowded city traffic; its occupants eagerly view the sights. Possible the starting of school? the person becomes intensly interested in the world, knowledge, information and what is available in life about them

year 7
What has been a handsome and valuable bottle lies broken and forgotten; a track of living perfume leads from it. There is a huge sense of loss in this seventh year, with some lingering memories of something beautiful that has been lost. The person may have a deep sense of regret, as if some deep and wonderful thing has been lost to them, but the memory of it is there forever

year 8
At a clearing of pioneer days in the forest all the neighbors have gathered to assist in a happy house-raising. family matters may take importance in the person's life. There is a forging of new interests, friendships. Awareness of homelife and what it means, begins

year 9
In an old-fashioned candle lighting service a youth gains for the first time a sense of the great other world. Some rituals that occur in the persons life, or nearby allow the person to become aware of deeper, greater spiritual ideas. A strong sense of the "true" spiritual self occurs

year 10
A massive rocky shore presents its unchanging face of the centuries to the furies and coaxing calms of the sea. some determination sets in, and the person may become strong willed, make strong statements to carry them into the future, strong resolves. There is much emotional battering inside the self at this time

year 11
Sutter’s river empire of early California is seen; then all is swept away in the spectacular gold rush of 1849. The self starts to blossom, and then the values of outer society set in, and the person begins to act in accordance with society, but possibly unable to find meaning, yet performs to society's norms

year 12
A queer craft equipped with special machinery is the base of operations for courageous divers of the deep sea. some unique emotional coping mechanisms begin to be put in place. Deep deep emotional feelings are encountered - many of them not understood. The person has moments of feeling out of their depth, but courageously keeps on going in an ingenious way

year 13
A beautiful gem of a lake set high in the mountains is revealed in the silvery bathing light of a full moon. Some romantic tendencies begin, and the perception that there may be a deep beautiful emotional calm needed if only the person could get above it all

year 14
A dentist hard at work; man made porcelain replaces nature’s enamel which consciousness has been unable to hold. Some cracks appear in the normal coping mechanisms to life. digesting the daily life may become hard, but new coping mechanisms are formed

year 15
A fellowship supper is served to a group of men brought together in reunion to live again in forgotten moments. possibly some strong kindred spirit attachment and identifying with certain groups of people occurs in this year

year 16
There is great excitement on the narrow and treacherous beach; finally a drowning man is saved and brought ashore. The emotions may be very strong in this years, and only by "earthing out" does the person find a way to cope. Possile near death experience, or deep emotional feelings overwhelm, to the point of exhaustion, or sickness

year 17
A brilliant assembly of dignitaries is seen on a highly polished dance floor; it is an important embassy ball. This is a year when the person may feel as if they are in the spotlight, or on show, and need to be at their best behaviour. Possibly the person feels out of their league in some way, daunted by the "polish" of others

year 18
In a rattletrap old wooden barn an earnest man works in a maze of apparatus; invention at the point of success. The mind becomes rather complex, overworked and inward, intent on working out a unique way of solving some problem, and feels as if this can be done very soon

year 19
Through a seemingly inaccessible mountainous country the telephone linemen carry their thin lines of communication.communications with the inner self, the higher mind, and others seem very slight, - a disconnectedness from the world and a beginning of the perception to a higher inner wisdom and consiousness

year 20
In unconscious occult symbolism a group of laughing, joyous children are playing on five mounds of sand. the inner child begins to magically weave its way into the adult, bringing joy and reconnecting the spirit with it's life purpose

year 21
A girl’s face is revealed of fine, delicate, aristocratic features; suddenly these break into a glorious smile.a self awarenss of ones inner beauty and breeding. some true happiness at self is discovered

year 22
A woman is great with child; the remarkable thing is that she was impregnated by her own spirit or aspiration. the deeper goal in life is formed. nurturing of this deeper life goal begins

year 23
A winding quiet road, carpeted by the falling leaves, leads through an old fashioned woods rich in autumn color. a year of solitude, journeying and letting go. appreciation of change sets in

year 24
A wise old parrot has been listening attentively to the conversation and preening himself; now he begins to talk. some deep learnt knowledge that has been accrued starts to pay off, and the person begins to respond to being noticed by others

year 25
An immensely tall entranceway is closed by heavy and dark velvet portieres; a woman in white draws these aside. spirits and possibly a wise woman comes to help, if only briefly, the world to female mystery is given a path that that is sacred and magical

year 26
A soldier runs the risk of court-martial in remaining absent without leave, but a lovely miss clings to him. there may be an urge to leave life,give up the fight, seduced by sensual world

year 27
A group of hunters protected by heavy clothing are making their way out into the marsh to shoot wild ducks.possible overvigilant year with aim being taken at anyone who is vulnerable - the mind becomes a hunter

year 28
A little white rabbit rests contentedly in his cage; before the eyes he metamorphoses into an elf in a fairy glade.retreat into the inner world, fantasy taking over from reality to relieve the feeling of being trapped

year 29
A steady stream of people down a mountainside gives testimony to the power of the man who has there addressed matter how much the different parts of the self retreat, they keep coming back to remind the person of the the individual wise self

year 30
An x-ray machine is in operation; by means of it a bit of fine diagnosis is made possible, and a life is preserved.some clarity of perception occurs, finer tuning of the mind. the ability to see through reality to the real spiritual nature of things. a life is saved

year 31
A group of American Indians are making camp; as if by magic the teepees are erected and home comfort established. the vigilant mind finds peace, in many thoughts, but comforted

year 32
Scintillating with the flash of the instruments and the colors of banners and uniforms, a military band is marching. an urge to join a greater component of manking, something that has purpose

year 33
A pageant of fairyland is made visible to mortal eyes; the king of the little people is welcomed to his domain.retreat into fantasy, possible loss of reality at this time

year 34
Flanked by the splendor of an Incan monarch’s court a mother of captured princelets pleads archly for their lives.deep inner personal magic , sense of deep loss of youth and childhood experience, yearning to recapture the past for a greater . deeper meaning

year 35
The town jester is in his element; it is Halloween and there is now justification for any and all of his pranks. maybe a fun year, but with darker, more sinister overtone, hence lightness of being keeps the person afloat. Deep nner understanding as to just how much the humour of life and the persons sense of humour has helped cope with the darker sides of life

year 36
A group of elderly men in uniforms, eyes bright with reminiscence, are gathered at a Grand Army of the Republic campfire. A feeling of having been at battle for a fair while, and finally just wanting to rest. However, the inner self still wants to battle

year 37
A quick wind is making sport with the sea; through sharp mist as far as sight reaches are scurrying whitecaps.possibly after some form of rest, the emotions become scattered, and the mind finds it hard to focus

year 38
Two men, lounging in the comfort of an old drawing room and with strong pipes, are playing a games of chess. learning to become comfortable in strategies employed in life, duality sets in, as one sideof the self "plays" off the other. There is an easy comfort in this duality and need to employ strategy

year 39
A little child is learning to walk; near(by) are happy parents wise enough to refuse unnecessary assistance. finally the inner child begins to be let go of, and the adult starts to take control, in an assured manner

year 40
An owl is gravely perched high and deep in the shade of an old landmark of a tree, solitary on a point of land. a feeling of detachment, observing and isolated. true knowledge and sense of personal power begins to make itself known

year 41
There is a great display of color coming and going in a large concourse of people; it is a cricket game. the mind begins to cope with its multiplicity and the character, whilst complex, presents uniformly although busy

year 42
A little fellow sly and smiling knocks at the door of the human heart; it is none other than cupid may present itself this year, if allowed

year 43
In the caldron of the universe the rocks and world stuff are in the process of formation; the metals glint within.the deep inner core of the person begins to become known. Only little bits appear, but enough for the spirit to recognise that there is ALOT going on, deep within

year 44
A mother is leading her children up a broad flight of steps. they enjoy the task of lifting little feet.finally, the character, beginning to mentor itself, and form anew, finds new pathways in life that lead to greater heights

year 45
In a pageant of progress a glorious little maid with golden hair enacts the part of the goddess of opportunity.the inner child makes full contact with the spirit, and opportunity abounds, as the spiritual insites of the inner child are released

year 46
An ugly old human figure is the carved representation of a god; near the left side is an ever-burning lamp.
questioning the self and why the self exists, there is both repulsion and respect, and withi it comes the knowledge that the spirit is there, and that life is sacred

year 47
In a curious allegorical transformation a flag becomes an eagle, and the eagle becomes chanticleer triumphant.just when the spirit finds meaning, that meaning changes, and then it changes again. what IS and is felt to be real becomes unreal, and almost lessened that the greatness that it was originally thought to be

year 48
A wistful young woman, dressed in black, is surprised into a warm companionship to which she has felt alien.taken by suprise, the feeling of love re-enters the person's life, despite holding onto the darker aspects of self.

year 49
A vast panorama of sand and time is unfolding; the pyramids and sphinx in their glory rise before the eye. the person may find that time appears heavy, tedious, possibly the person feels incredibly bound by history and the slowness of life transformations. Also a deeper sense of the bigness of life, and the insignificance of self

year 50
The time is at hand to determine whether winter shall end; the ground hog comes forth looking for its shadow. this is a year of great change, that which kept reoccurring and reoccurring begins to shift

year 51
A peaceful scene is unfolded to view; a calm ocean, a single motionless ship, a few lazy soaring seagulls.this is a calm year, the sense of self is less complex, and the emotions settle enough for some pleasant work to be done

year 52
An Easter sunrise service is abut to begin at the suggestion of dawn; darkness surrenders to the worshipers. another rebirth year, where the self transforms again, and this time, the spirit is more strongly reconnected with the person, through ritual, reverence, love and faith in change

year 53
Little children are playing on the sultry beach; but each is protected from the glare by a tiny sunbonnet.
an overtone of deep emotion in the mind, but the child within is somehow more protected now

year 54
The pelicans have been distressed by the intrusion of man; they are moving their habitat to places unknown. deep nurturing, self nurturing, and introspection without so much fantasy, and more wisdom. establishing a "safe" base

year 55
The pond has been deeply frozen for weeks; now the men and machinery are at work cutting out the summer’s ice. emotions are quiter, and when they come again, they will be taken care of in a practical way

year 56
A child and a dog are having all the fun in the world, gravely attending to things in borrowed eyeglasses. serious play that is a delight, and ability to focus on deatil and still have fun. increased ability to trust in loyalty issues - over all a fun year

year 57
A perfect bit of the old world is found in the new; a Chinese laundry has its shutters up and is now itself. the spirit has gone through an amzing renewal, and much of that which was dark and stuck to it has gone. the person can get on with the business of being themselves

year 58
Bathed in the slantwise western sun, with the statue of liberty beyond, Ellis Island welcomes the immigrants. a new self has been discovered, there is a marked shift in character, from old to new, and true liberty is finally uinderstood by the spirit

year 59
The bluebird, as a sign of good luck, and happiness, alights at the door of a little cottage on the highway. This may indeed be a happy year - possibly quite unexpectedly so

year 60
A chubby little rich boy rides on a hobbyhorse of bright colors and wishes for hazards he may never know. realisation that life is not as hard as it appeared to be, and that much hardship has occurred in the mind only, adn that life indeed is ok

year 61
The scene is an old-fashioned battle; in the hot hand-to-hand fighting a flag bearer distinguishes himself.
the spirit takes on a battle for a real reason, not an imaginary reason. although the reall battle symbolises much a symbolic battle to be won here

year 62
A sculptor is at work in his studio, and under his skilled hands a lovely form slowly and surely takes shape. the person can feel as if their life is truly theirs to mould

year 63
A splendidly built bridge, a heritage of unknown ages, still spans the beautiful and wildly primitive stream. the subconscious and consious unite with the mass conscious, bringing with it incredibly security and peace
- even if the world about it seems wild

year 64
A perspiring fat-boy is mowing the grass; he has discovered the handicap of flesh and is determined to lose it. This is the last year of walking the talk for the spirit, The inner child decides to shed weight and baggage

Year 65
A picture of regal and sacerdotal pomp and glory reveals itself; the Pope is holding audience in his palace. Regained status, authority over entire life


  • building and learning flow well with transformations
  • building and learning flows well with harmonising and female relations
  • visions flow well with transformations

Chart 3 overlap Natal & Progressed

finally, looking at the MOONS NODES

"North Node in Libra, South Node in Aries

The South Node in Aries represents a competitive urge— you want to win. You may try to do this by being defensive, combative, and competitive with others. However, you only win big when you cooperate in mutually beneficial partnerships, openly share your feelings and intentions, listen to and accept the help of others. You have good relationship karma— involve others in your decisions, and give of yourself, share your talents and abilities with others. You only really benefit from win/win cooperative situations, not win/lose battles.".

The above excerpt is from Molly's Astrology - a truly beautiful website and Astrology gift that Molly has given to the world. This website is worth visiting for basic understanding about many astrological ideas.

Capricorn Ox in the Year of the OX

For Jess
Capricorn : I build
Ox : I preserve
There are a number of different legends about how the chinese signs of the zodiac were created. However, this is the story that I like:-
When the great emperor of heaven created the signs of the zodiac, the little rat did much of the work in gathering the animals together, but in the race to get back to heaven to see who would win to come first, the rat had tired from working so hard at gathering the animals, and so the ox, who was just passing the rat in the race, took the little rat up onto his shoulders and carried him back to heaven, explaining to the emperor of heaven that it was the rat who had done most of the work. Hence the rat became the first sign, and the ox the second.
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Corvus in the Midheaven, Mars Rising

astrological chart for time of "Rain Bill Crow" playing on radio 24th January 2009

Benoit Mandelbrot -my crow friend at Burringbar

This morning  I awoke to the Moon rising in the east, as a thin balsamic sliver, shining through the misty clouds. I looked high above me, in the sky to see CORVUS up near the midheaven.

I came inside and turned the radio on. It was just after 5am, Saturday 24th January 2009. There was a song being played called Rain Crow Bill , a song by Sonny Terry and Woodie Guthrie on "Beyond Mississippi : The Blues That left Town".

The serendipity of this captured my attention. 
A couple of mornings prior to this day, I had spent a morning  in Byron Bay taking photos to illustrate the impact of people on the Byron Bay environment. A particular festival was in the back of my mind, as I had only 5 years or so before, been camping in Belongil Fields, when the Bluesfest crowds arrived , to take over the campsite, disrupting the wildlife, and leaving broken glass, plastic, cigarette butts, batteries, and other waste littered across the countryside and through the town and beaches. 
The time was right to create the collages and the blog post.

Also, the astrology of the moment intrigued me. What was happening in the heavens, that spurred me to awaken, look at the sky, and think to write the article? 

Firstly -  the name of the song. (Rain Crow Bill )  
Secondly - the name of the album that it came from. (  "Beyond Mississippi : The Blues That left Town"  ) : This Byron Bay Bluesfest is currently leaving town to a new location,, further up the East Coast of NSW, in the Tyagarah area.
Thirdly - Corvus high up in the sky while the song played. 
Fourthly - I had already focused on doing an article, following my trip into Byron Bay 2 days earlier.
But was there was possibly something else that was pushing me along?

The astrology chart for that moment showed Mars was rising. And, it was Conjunct my  natal rising line.  In other words, the point that was rising this morning, when I tuned into the radio, was that same part of the sky that was rising when I was born. 
And Mars was transiting there, rising, as I listened to the radio, and watched the Constellation Corvus high in the sky.

The aspect of transiting Mars, across the natal Rising Line (Mars conjunct AC) can show increased directional energy and motivation (as well as a few cuts, scrapes, and brash feelings!!).

Both  transiting Sun and transiting Jupiter were conjunct my natal Mercury, at about 3 degrees Aquarius. This can help the mind become full of spirit and knowledge, and wish to share it with others.

Relevant Sabian Symbols for these areas of the heavens?

Transiting SUN:
**A HINDU PUNDIT REVEALS HIMSELF SUDDENLY A GREAT HEALER (also the sabian symbol for my natal mercury)

Transiting JUPITER:

Transiting MARS:
**A RELAY RACE, EACH RUNNER SPRINGS EAGERLY INTO PLACE (also the sabian symbol for my natal Rising Line)

Transiting Midheaven:

I can now link all of these symbols and signs together  such as :-

I used photos of water lilies in the collages, to illustrate spiritual growth, purity and blossoming. I have also had some very clear visions when camping at that Bluesfest Camping site years ago, where aboriginal women spirits appeared, gathering water lillies in the billabongs of a past era in time. They talked with me, and repeatedly visited me, during my years of living in Byron, guiding me through an intense "healing" phase of my life. 
Also, in that camping ground at Belongil fields, I witnessed a full moon eclipse by the earth, that peaked just as the sun rose, about 5 years ago. From the time the eclipse started, until the full moon set, totally covered by the earth's shadow, the Crows of Belongil Fields flew about, in the darkened hours of the early morning, calling loudly, and waking me to witness the eclipse, which was rather spectacular. 

But, back to the Sabian Symbols:-

The relay race is the putting together of the combination of photos, into a collage, the leader guided by his ancesters is my guidance by the aboriginal spirits, that have guided me through my healing, and on to a place where I feel I must "lead", when it comes to environmental common sense and try to give "wake up " calls to the world - via the internet website and  blog bluecray.  
The Hindu Pundit (where the Sun was transiting, and conjuncting my natal Mercury) is thephilosophical teacher in me, and having taught environmental knowledge for many years, I will continue to do as my goal in life is "Wisdom in the Land".
The high point in the heavens, with it's Sabian Symbol of an old professor? - well, that's me - I am getting on in age now, and finally, all these planets have clustered into my FIRST house.
The first house is that part of your life where you interact with the world, your environment. Thus, the internet and photography session in Byron Bay were all part of the "picture"

** Sabian Symbols as taken from WHAT WATCH 

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Benoit is back!!!!

Photo of Benoit after an overnight stay away from the family unit

Hey Susi, Benoit is back !!!!! When I came home this arvo, but Baba is still gone, and Benoit is looking rather lacking in feathers on the neck.

I maybe have worked out what happened.  After I did the special posting and collage, the day before yesterday ,  I went outside, and Benoit was really really excited. A lot of complex Crow talking  and wing flapping, like there was something exciting happening. Well, all last night, I kept seeing Benoit in my mind, and this morning woke to a dream where Benoit was telling me that about an arranged visit with the "big" birds. So, I think what happened was Benoit DID go to stay with relatives for the night - like a "sleep over for a whole day and a half, and THAT was what the darling little Crow was trying to tell me the other afternoon. That a sleepover was happening,  since Benoit was a "big bird" now, and could spend a night away from the family.  

The Mom and Dad Crows  really missed having Benoit and Baba about. Baba, although maybe not as bright as Benoit, is older, and he is still away. I think that he is ok - I hope so. Anyway, I am so so happy that Benoit is ok, if a bit worn out looking. I guess the "big bird" relatives probably gave Benoit a bit of a "right of Passage". And I'm not even sure if Benoit is a boy or girl. Anyways, Benoit - was happy to see me, and flew staight down to greet me when I just came home. Looking a bit worse for wear, and rather subdued, but ok!!!! 

And now I understand why the Mom and Dad were calling out so loudly all day yesterday - they were calling to the children who had gone on the "sleepover" far away with the other Crows. 
I have decided that I love and respect  crows more than ever now!!!!!
This has been one of the biggest learning curves in my life - learning that loving wild creatures means I must "let go" and be cool and detatched like the birds are!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Benoit Mandelbrot the Crow, Figs, Swans and the Synchronicity of Symbols

Benoit is a Black Crow. 
This blog was created by my Friend who lives in Swan Hill
Benoit's namesake - Benoit Mandelbrot - one of the most amazing visionary minds of our age and the "father" of fractal geometry can be seen talking in this interview (22nd October 2008) with  "The Black Swan" author, Nassim Nicholas Taleb . The interview is about the current economic global climate.

And now, as the circle of symbolic synchronicity turns, we come to Swans and Swan Hill, where there is this most amazing FIG TREE . Now, my friend gave me the link to this Swan Hill FIG TREE, because I wrote about the Hope Is. FIG TREE in this blog earlier. 

The article is called Hope Is. Moon Symbols
And so, we come back to my darling CROWS , their mystery, magic and their myth. 

The Crow was the symbolic WHITE bird of Apollo. Apollo turned Crow  black due to the Crow's actions. Apollo entrusted the white Crow with a mission to get pure water. Instead of completing the task for Apollo, the CROW decided to hang out near a fig tree and eat FIGS. The Crow then blamed it's tardiness in completing Apollo's request, on a snake! 
Hence, Apollo turned the Crow black and set the Crow (CORVUS) up in the sky with the WATER SNAKE (Hydra) and the CUP (Crater). And so, the circle is almost complete. We are Back to Benoit, the Crow, and his father, and the moon.... and the magic of LIFE!!!!
And life has many interlinked stories like this - stories that intertwine and meander over and over the same symbols, interlinking and reinforcing ideas........and, of course, cygnus (SWAN) is also a constellation! 
And:  S.W.A.N. also stands for Sahaja Worldwide Announcements and News ! You may notice that I have done some articles for the Sahaja Yoga movement in this blog, to help with astrological inspirations for my friend who is in this worldwide movement. 
This type of inter connectedness just makes me want to sing and dance!!! I LOVE IT!!
Nature, Mathematics, Geometry, Money, Myths, Magic, Spirit and Music - they are all linked, no matter which way we look at it.

Benoit Mandelbrot at home in Burringbar

Benoit at home in Burringbar, Mt Warning Caldera Region, NE NSW, Australia

On the left is Benoit's Father waiting under the full moon before Benoit took his first flight.
In the middle is Benoit, on 20th January 2009 and the smaller pic of Benoit is when he had just left his nest - late Oct/earlyNov 2008. The other photos are of some of his favourite trees in his Burringbar home (NE NSW Australia)
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Benoit Mandelbrot - a very smart crow

Benoit Mandelbrot

Benoit Mandelbrot has been flying since late October, 2008. He is the middle sibling of three children born to two Crows that live next door to me in Burringbar, in the Mt Warning Caldera Region of NE NSW, Australia. The family is a tight knit unit. The Father Crow has done much hard work to raise his children, with his Wife, and soon the children will be independent. 
All three children of the Crows still have their baby voices, although sometimes Benoit and the older sibling Baba O'Riley can make some pretty convincing adult sounds. Over the December and January months, the children have vastly expanded their vocals, and eating skills. All three children have counted coup with the children of other birds in the neighbourhood - Kookaburras, Currawongs and Hawks. They do not fight with Magpies, although I notice that, when very young, the Crow children would "stalk" the adult Magpies. This was tolerated very kindly, by the "stalked" adult.

As told earlier in this blog, Baba was the first of the babys to fly up very high with a Sea Eagle.

At other times, the Crow children have flown, with their parents (particularly their Father) to chase adult Wedge Tail Eagles, Sparrow Hawks, Grey and Brown Goshawks and Kookaburras, but usually it is the Father Crow that continues the chase, and the Crow children retreat to safe arbours while he fights, chases and counts coup.

When the children first flew from their nest in the Crows Ash Tree, I couldn't distinguish between them easily. However, even when they were in their nest, I felt that there was often a little pair of eyes watching me, and had an intuitive feeling that one of the Crow children would become my friend.

From almost their first flight, there was always one little Crow that would give me an extra long gaze, focus into my eyes, and try to talk with me. Now, as I have learnt to distinguish the Crow children more, I can see Benoit, even in the air, or high up in a tree, by mannerisms and voice. Benoit even comes when I call.
 "Benoit! Benoit" I call, and Benoit comes flying down to me, and has a little talk. Swooping over my head landing only inches from me, but will not land on my hand. I have fed these babies, and their parents, after the Father Crow had a serious wing injury,and so, I guess that it is not unusual for them to come to me. Their parents, however, are quite distrustful of closeness to people, and prefer to stay at a distance. I put out clean water for them daily, which they love to drink, bathe and soak their food in.

Benoit's Father has sometimes come to me, asking if I will help chase a goanna. He was prone to do this when the Children were still in the nest. But that is another story.....

Meanwhile, back to Benoit, the smart little Crow.  Although second to leave the nest, Benoit has shown much intelligence, and is often the first to respond to the parent Crows' calls, a situation or opportunity. Benoit will often come down to me and just sit and talk with me. Looking into Benoit's eyes is like discovering another universe. The beauty, wildness, intelligence and sensitivity astound and amaze me. My respect for Crows has increased a thousandfold, since getting to know this family. It is funny, even as I write this article, Benoit is up in the "birth" tree practicing the "alarm" call, and play fighting with the elder Crow, Baba.  About a week ago, when Benoit came up to me, talking many different crow words, I repeatedly said "hello, hello". Then, to my astonishment, Benoit said "hello" back to me. TWICE!!!! What a smart little fellow Benoit Mandelbrot is.

One of my favourite pastimes is to sit in the evening warmth, and watch the first stars appear, with the children of the Crows all sitting nearby. This is a peaceful event, quite often.... but not when the Hawks arrive with their children, to inspect the old crow's nest in the birthing tree and attack the children of the Crows! No, on those evenings, everyone is alert, and when it becomes too much, the father Crow will take the children and his wife off to the nearby family of Crows that live a kilometre or so away, and spend the evening there! I don't blame him. The Hawks are fierce, relentless and can severely injure a baby Crow. But, somehow, I feel that Benoit will survive Crow childhood and grow into a very wise old Crow.

Benoit Mandelbrot is indeed a very smart and brave Crow. 

Photo: Benoit Mandelbrot having one of his first flights in early November 2008

I am the crow that calls out the law
I am the eagle whose wings ever soar
I am the earthworm, humble unseen
I am a miracle in god’s greatest dream.

Astrology for Sahaja Yoga Activities in Swan Hill, Australia , Saturday 24th January, 2009

Saturday, 24th January, 2009 is like a preparation day for the more important astrological day of SUNDAY, 25th January, 2009.

Saturday 24th Jan 2009 will be fairly similar, in flow,  to Sunday 25th Jan 2009. Except that on Saturday (24/01/09), the MOON (emotional centre, people) will still be a fair bit away from MARS, MERCURY, JUPITER and the SUN. 

The MOON  is on the approach on Saturday, and so the "PUBLIC" will just be starting to become involved with things. The nurturing will just be beginning.  This IS a great day to involve people and get them ready to THINK. Sunday will be a day of putting thoughts into action, and so the preceding day (Saturday) is a great day to get people ready!!

The MOON will be high in the sky by 11.20am (EST - Daylight Saving Time), thus encouraging people to be out and about.

In preparation for the day, try to get up early and see the MOON in the morning sky, before the SUN rises. The MOON will be in the east, just above the horizon, as the daylight comes. It should be visible before the Sun rises on this Saturday.
The SABIAN SYMBOL for the MOON in the early morning on Saturday is:

This sabian symbol represents the coming together of people for a higher purpose and gathering of will. It indicates hidden rituals, and single purpose. 

As the MOON moves through the sky through the day, by early to mid morning, it is well to have lightness of being and, if gathering in a small room, to allow the sun and sound of the singing birds to enter the room. (7am-9am). 

By 11.20am: an ANGEL will have come to assist, bringing music and heavenly thoughts. If travelling through the streets, the Sahaja Yoga people can, at this time, be like heavenly angels bringing joy and light to the world.

By midday: feeding the Ducks may be an excellent thing to do, moving by the water. The most powerful time for talking religion, philosophy, and educating people will be in the afternoon, as the MOON passes by NUNKI, a star in Sagittarius

From 2-6pm: the passage of the MOON near this star, NUNKI,  can help bring matters such as agriculture, alternative religions, education and partnerships to the fore. It is a good time to do some "one on one" with people! It will also be a good time to meditate.

By 7.20pm, the moon will be setting: literary and education talking and exchange will be enhanced.
I would expect Shri Mataji's spiritual presence to be very strong about this time, facilitating education , love of the land and healing.

The SABIAN SYMBOL for the SUN, for this day, as well as for Sunday is:

 Basically, Saturday is like a groundwork day, which will have consequences many years on, but is a "subtle" energy day. However Sunday is a day of WORK, where things can be put into action and created for the shorter term, as well as for the long term. 
Just before the MOON in the sky, on this day, will be Pluto, the TRANSFORMER. Hence, the MOON (public, emotions) can be a vehicle for TRANSFORMATIONS on SATURDAY.

I hope that this helps give you confidence to spread the beautiful messages of Shri Mataji!!!!! And, above all, remember to have FUN!!!!!!!

Northern Central Catchment Condition Report 2003: a report by the Northern Central Catchment Authority 2003 -(this is a link to a google HTML generated page of the report)

This above report lists the Grey Goshawk as verging on threatened in the Catchment Area, in 2003

The reason I have put this link in, is to highlight a few things -

Firstly, Lake Boga may be a place that you could take or send the Sahaja Yoga people, as I feel that there is something there, that some of them may like to see or experience.

Secondly, a Grey Goshawk flew to the trees here, while I was writing this article, and the Crows chased it, but did not really want to chase it - it was like a half hearted chase. This seemed unusual. Also, this particular Grey Goshawk was of the PURE WHITE variety.

In searching for references for this Grey Goshawk, I realised that it is not very common down there, where you live, but has been observed.  

Here is a link to  picture and article about a pure white Grey Goshawk seen earlier in 2008, near Geelong. 

For some reason, a pure white bird, that is a hawk, suggests spiritual messengers, to me. 
Also, because my darling Crow family here, did not really want to chase this pure white bird, this made me think that the Swan Hill weekend for the Sahaja Yoga people may, whilst highlighting their presence as a rarity, may also be very well accepted by some of the "Town Folk"